Circle by Gryffyn M on Unsplash

Composition Diary #2 – Singularity

Put this little dark, atmospheric, intriguing track together today, then scrounged some footage from to make a little video.

The track’s called Singularity (in the Kurzweil sense); I like that it’s hard to tell what’s analogue or acoustic material and what’s digital, and that’s kind of what makes humans human these days.

Also, the video gets a bit sci-fi at the end. I’d like to work on more sci-fi. If all I ever worked on was sci-fi, I think I’d be happy. Storytellers, please bring me your sci-fi and I will happily music it up for you.

Also, I find it really hard to think of music without visuals. Maybe the idea that I have to separate the visual from the auditory to ‘find my voice’ is a bit disingenuous.

Also, I find the music takes on more ‘legitimacy’ when it’s accompanied by visuals – like it makes the music more intentional and deliberate. Is that a prejudice I have? That I need to have my music up against something visual to give a purpose? That it can’t stand alone just purely as music for its own sake?

Image: Gryffyn M